This project focused on HIV technical areas both at health facility and community level.
April 2009 - December 2014

The program focused on addressing scale up and maintaining persons living with HIV on Anti-Retroviral Therapy ; increasing access to HIV testing and counselling services at health facility and community levels; increasing uptake of HIV prevention and treatment services; and strengthening institutional capacity to effectively implement and monitor HIV/AIDS services.
The delivery services in the program included: Counselling and Testing using mobile outreach approach to accelerate the number of people accessing counselling services especially in hard to reach areas and where the concentration of counselling centres was low.
The program trained health care workers across the country on counselling services in order to reach out to and interacting with youth, Persons with Disabilities, most at risk populations or Key Populations, and the general population for uptake of counselling services and referral for various sexual and reproductive health services.
Behaviour change communication (mass media) aimed at increasing the uptake of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services through strategic communication where HIV prevention programmes and messages were developed and disseminated through radio, TV and outdoor communication tools.
The messages on anti-retroviral therapy adherence, counselling and safe sexual behaviour focused on condom use, abstinence and partner reduction targeted people living with HIV, the youth, and most at risk populations as defined in the round 7 proposal as Sex Workers and their clients, Long Distance Truckers, Men Having Sex with Men, prisoners, and Injecting Drug Users.
Behaviour change communication (community outreach) - where community based participatory activities were carried out to provide information and education on HIV prevention and treatment services.
Community outreach activities provided information and education on three areas:
1. Anti-retroviral treatment targeting PLWHAs and their families;
2. Counselling and testing targeting the youth and MARPs;
3. Sexual Behaviour Change targeting the adolescents & youth (10-35 years) and MARPs, and general population.
Information system & operational research strengthened the M&E systems for the HIV/AIDS response to support data collection, and reporting within the 3-ones M&E framework enabling civil society organizations, faith based organizations and the private sector to report on their HIV/AIDS activities.
Types of Services
Strengthening of civil society and institutional capacity building. This focused on building the capacity of non-government entities/ CSOs to be effective implementers of GF programs through technical assistance in the areas of program management, monitoring and evaluation, financial management and reporting.